Got Grip?

Agate Pass CrossFit – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

The Ark…death by EMOM

EMOM, increasing by 2s

Bench Press

Ring Row

(switch back and forth)

Men – 75% bodyweight + box for rows

Women – 50% bodyweight

Score is reps of last full round completed

Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

5 rounds, each for time (log splits):

1 rope climb

100′ Bear Crawl (50′ HSW Rx+)

10 T2B

9 HPClean (135/95, 155/115 Rx+)

8 Front Sq

7 Jerks (split or push)

1 rope climb

***90 seconds rest b/w round***

Use your rest time to bring that HR down! Goal is to SPRINT these rounds, not a chipper!!!


We have moved to 15769 George Ln Poulsbo! We have a new gym location that is bigger and better! We have added 2 new indoor pickleball courts along with our regular workout space! Please call Julie at 206-619-2940 with any questions.

We now have 2 indoor pickleball courts open!